All is not Well in the World

Robert Vergeson
5 min readJan 10, 2020

One does not have to be a War or Peace historian to know the history of War and conflicts in the world since the dawn of time, (Old testament). Most children growing up in public education have opened a history book teaching them about war and conflicts throughout modern and historical times. Those who have been weaned on the Bible know the history since Adam and Eve where evicted out of the Garden of Eden, and how through their family line did nations grow on the backs of wars and conflicts over the need to subject other nations based on power, politics, and religious beliefs. From the time of the New Testament era, we have had empires formed by Alexandra the Great who conquered the known world then, the Roman empire that followed Alexandra, and ruled during the time of Jesus in the known world then. We have Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Ivan the Terrible, Hitler, and Soviet Union who ruled large territories, and Nations by invasion and force. We have Royal empires that annexed new lands and ancient lands in our later eras when we consider the British empire and the Spanish Empire colonizing new lands and subjecting native populations by force and occupation. The United States of America won independence from the British empire and what followed was the British, Spanish, and French empires dwindling in size as other colonize and territories won independence to rule themselves as sovereign nations and governments. In our more recent modern era, we have seen governments by force of arms strive and succeed to take land in efforts to build new empires ruled by dictatorship, despots, and religious regimes. All seeking to rival the great empires of a lost era.

What is the common factor since that dawn of time? One has always been religious ideology and the difference between one religious group and the other. There is the need to feed one’s ego to be a leader of an empire greater than all other empires before. There wealth earned by corruption and there is Political ideology such as communism, fascism, and yes, even democracy. Each believing they have the best solution for the people. Then there is just insanity such as that of the Hitler’s regime that had the world believing that a Blue eye, blond hair white race was the best race to rule the world. Racism has always been behind many wars and conflicts in our world history when it comes to one race seeing another race as inferior to them. Racism has seen the genocide of millions of people by those who feel that their race is the better race and others must be exterminated. Hitler killed millions of Jews based on his racist views. In our most current modern times, genocide still continues in many underdeveloped Third World countries ruled by despots, and dictators. We now face a greater crisis when religious extremist such as Isis, and Middle East countries rule by religious leadership strive to force a doctrine that their religious beliefs dictate to them that they must eradicate all infidels who do not convert to their belief. Even in our Christian history and the Jewish History, many conflicts and wars have started over religious ideology.

In Today’s modern era such religious ideologies have increased potentially to see division between Protestants and Catholic neighbors, and governments. We have religious division between different sects of Muslims, one more radical than the other. With political and religious ideology differences though they believe in the same one God have the same ancient writings/text Koran, as the Protestants and Catholics have the same bible OT/NT, and same one God as the Muslim have. The Muslim and Christian OT have the same historical characters and events. The only difference is the Koran has Mohomet and the Christian New Testament Bible has Jesus as its Messiah or Teacher. It is these two difference, though have the same God mentioned in historical text, that have caused much of our modern-day conflicts between people, governments, and nations. It is these religious Ideologies that have led the 21st century into war and conflicts between nations and people. It has given us Bin Laden, Hussein, Isis, Taliban, and a war of terrorist cells operating around the world in constant battle to undermine Democracy, the Christian Faith, the Jewish Faith, and non-Muslim faiths. We have had Two Gulf Wars, Terrorist bombings in the U.S. (9/11), Isis radicalism in the U.S. and around the world, conflict between the Jewish State, and the Palestinian State. Iran and the Jewish state, Iran and the U.S. Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts with Taliban and Isis. Nuclear proliferation and development of war heads by North Korea, and Iran, both with an ideology that threatens world peace. We had World Wars I & II, where the first two atomic bombs devastated the world by the destruction of two Japanese cities at the end of World War II. We had the Korean war, the Vietnam War, the cold war, and so many modern era conflicts and ancient era conflicts that have reshaped the boundaries of the world map over and over again.

We have famine, poverty, disease, clement change, Political upheaval, economic woes, Natural disasters, Gun violence, Domestic violence, Sexual violence, Racism, and the power of Wealth ruling the civilized world. This is the 21st. century (2020) by Christian calendar and the year 5780 (58th century) on the Jewish calendar. The world population is 6 Billion people and growing and when you think that by the Genesis Old Testament account, the world population was 2 people 5780 years ago. Though physically our planet is far much older than that by 65 million years or more. Our Scientist say we should have at least that many years to go before our Sun explodes. Yet, the President of the largest free world nation when faced with the fact that we are facing the possibility of another world war with nuclear threats looming around the corner, he says, “All is Well.” When by all accounts, he became trigger happy starting the latest conflict with Iran. All is “Not Well” when Peace is put on the back burner because of ones ego and inability to put aside personal political and religious Ideology, power of wealth, and an agenda that blinds you from the writing on the wall. We might not have to worry about clement change in the next 30 years, and certainly not worry about the Sun imploding millions of years from now. When we can not even have a decade or a century go by that someone, some nation, or ideology seeks to destroy the earth in its nearsighted attempts to prove they are a better race, a better government, better leader, or have the right religious Ideology then any one else. Where wealth, greed, and ego is the ultimate right of a few over the many. It is the many who die in the end while the elite find themselves toiling the land to survive a nuclear winter.

Robert D. Vergeson

© 01/9/2020



Robert Vergeson

Hello, I’m 73 years of age and have 53 eBook's: Published at, under my penname Rowlen Delaware Vanderstone III.