Robert Vergeson
16 min readFeb 17, 2020


Photo by Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash

February 17, 2020

Evolution or Devolution of American Democracy

Are we at a crossroads in our Nation when it comes to the evolution or devolution of Democracy in this country. The age of American Democracy has weathered some difficult times in the beginning when those who drafted our Independence Declaration of 1776, and drafted our Constitution and the Bill of Rights that followed. These founding Fathers lived in an era when Democracy was still a dice roll as to if it would last or fail as so many other democratic governments would start out with the best of intentions, and fail in a short time of that era. The founding Father’s era was still much of an Autocratic world where Monarchies ruled the people, and the people had very little to do with ruling the government. The American democratic approach was to give the people control over the government rather than government control the people. When governments and Autocracy rule the people it is to control how they live, where they live, who they worship or forbid any religion. The people have no control over taxation and basically could not own property.

Instead the democratic process was to put people in control of how they live, where they can live, freedom of worship, control over taxation, and could own property. The right to own land, own businesses, and free trade became an important part of the cornerstone of American democracy. In the decades, and centuries to follow, the best of these intentions have been challenged, improved, and put to the test in ways that would have destroyed any democracy as our founding Fathers would have known of in their time. Much of Europe, Asia, and the known world, where ruled by Kings, Queens, Emperor’s and Empress, warlords, and Tribal chieftains. Where royalty was intermarried into other countries keeping a firm grip on their Autocracy. Democracy as a theory has been around for thousands of years, just didn’t get off the ground to evolve into a working government that could last and pass the test of time.

So what makes American Democracy a winner? Outside of the American Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution was a model of democracy that had never been tested before. The Magna Carta of 1215, of the British empire established a cornerstone of Ideas of the liberties of citizens. Which lead to a parliament of Lords and Commoners, that put the Lords, royalty and title holders (landlords) along with commoners, ordinary citizens, on equal grounds and control of the government. Where laws and justice where finally in the hands of a parliament government. Though the monarchy still ruled over the British empire as its King or Queen above parliament as they were the major land owner and held the wealth of the empire. Today, it’s evolution has changed to be a primary parliament government with a Prime Minister, and house of Lords and Commoners similar to our own Legislation branch. While the Monarchy became a figurehead of long-standing tradition and pageantry, though the British Monarchy as a family is counted one of the riches in the world. They just don’t have the direct power over the government as they once did centuries ago. Many Monarchies today still remain, though have been reduced to being a figurehead of government ruled by a form of Democracy.

Whereas, the American democracy and its constitution created 3 branches of Government, the Executive, Legislature, and Judicial. A check and balance system to ensure that neither branch can rule over the other. The Executive branch is the elected President by vote of the people, to serve a limited time or terms, and can be e-elected, which until the later 1900’s allowed a President to serve as many terms as they are re-elected to. Now it is limited to two terms as a further check and balance against a President having too much power in the White house. At the national level, Legislature branch is the branch that is represented by Representatives and Senators who are elected from their home states, and have terms limited to 4 years for Representatives, and 6 years for Senators and as many terms they can be re-elected too. A Rotation of terms allows that not all representatives and senators are up for re-election at the same time. The Legislation branch is the part of government that creates rules of law, budgets and have in many area’s powers over the president, such as declaring war, and through a set rule of law the power of impeachment of a President. They are to serve in the best interest of the nation and it citizenry.

In the realm of Politics, there are and where two basic parties the Democrats, and the Republicans as we know them today. In later times several independent parties came about. Political parties have their own agenda’s, party line’s and manifesto’s as to how they believe the country should be ran to benefit the people and the nation. It is the people who by election process vote members of these parties into office. The Judicial branch is the branch that see’s that the rules of law are enforced. Its highest Court the Supreme court, and the Federal courts, state courts and local courts. The military branch though not a part of the check and balance of government is assigned to protect the nation from itself, and state enemies. We consider local, state, and federal law enforcement, national guard and the major branches of the standing Army as the military branch, each assigned to protect citizenry and the nation. Neither branch in theory have no power over the other branch unless deemed by rule of law, and constitution. As long as that constitution is adhered too.

This is the greater check and balance to prevent one branch from taking power over the other branch or over the government in the form of an autocracy. Where one branch of government , namely the Executive Branch, can by force and power take over the government. Either by dictatorship, military coup, and abuse of power. This form of democracy has worked for nearly 250 years with a few hiccups, setbacks, and challenges from coming from being new country expanding coast to coast, growing statehood’s, the industrial age, technological age, and as the wealthiest nation and global leader in the free world. Civil war, two world wars, and many conflicts since. American Democracy has become a model for many older nations, and younger nations to base their own governments on. Is American Democracy evolving or devolving? In its history it has evolved through many troubling times, yet the evolution has been a progress going forward rather than stagnate and rot into chaos internally, and externally. Why is that so? The U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights has been the foundation of that democracy that has guided this nation through these troubling times, and much more.

Until now. We are at a crossroad where the Constitution is being challenged and rule of law questioned. A constitution up for interpretation based on who holds power in congress (number of party members), and in the White House. Power that is based on Wealth that put elected congressional members in office and an elected president in the White House. Popular vote never had influence to elect a president where the Electoral College in congress vote makes the final decision despite the Popular vote. Where Nationally, in 2016 the popular candidate got Millions more votes over the rival. The electoral vote is ruled by those who have power and the numbers of members from the same political party in control of congress. A political party with more wealth and power to run government as they so please and deem as best for this nation. Even if the party line is flawed and outdated in what they perceive as best for this nation. Is the Electoral College an outdated dinosaur when it comes to our modern age of election and counting of the popular vote. Many voters today still believe that the Popular vote elects the president and become disenchanted when they discover otherwise.

Has the check and balances our founding Fathers created de-evolved to allow this to happen when by an outmoded Electoral College ignores popular vote and another should be in the White House the better experienced candidate to lead this Nation. Are party-lines and its manifestos become so influenced by wealth and abuse of power that our U.S. Constitution and those check and balances are no longer viable and enforceable. Have we been allowing this de-evolution to occur because we have been apathetic voters, or beguiled by that wealth and power that blinds us to the danger of losing our democracy and the freedoms our founding Fathers built this country on. When a candidate with no political experience, like one who rises from the ranks in local, state, and national government with years of serving the government as an elected proven leader loses against the non-experienced. One who wins the White House based on Wealth and being a member of a party with power in congress. Who controlled the final electoral college vote against the peoples popular vote and choice.

A President who has clearly in his first term proven his ability to use that wealth and power to abuse our U.S. Constitution to the point that he is impeached for abusing the power of his office and endangering the security of this Nation by his actions. Yet, acquitted by the ruling party members in senate that voting him into office in the first place. A senate who through their own ideas and interpretation of what the U.S. Constitution and rule of law say regarding such abuse of power. A senate that refused to adhere to the U.S. Constitution and rule of law regarding impeachment proceedings and rule of law of such proceedings. Who ignored judicial law allowing for evidence and witnesses against the sitting president in a formal court hearing. Which was monitored by a U.S. Supreme court Judge, mandated by rule of law to oversee that rule of law is observed. Where a senate of ruling party members, who except for one, voted in favor of acquittal. All based on their interpretation of the U.S. Constitution and rule of law to fit their own agenda.

Why is this so? Has the ruling party in the senate circumvented the check and balance of power so that they may hold power and decide what is best in their flawed outdated views and manifesto to control this nation as they deem fit. Even if that is to openly ignore the U.S. Constitution and rule of law to their benefit. Now some might say and agree that wealth is the real issue here. That wealth rules this nation and that wealth when looking at the census and statistic is in the minority when it comes to the number of those who have a wealth exceeding Millions to Billions of dollars. Versus those who outnumber the wealthy basically Hundreds of Thousands to one. Overall, the numbers come out to be more like less than 5 percent of the population in the top as having wealth that puts them in control of this nation. Either through congressional leadership, political leadership. The same being Landowners, Corporate business owners, and family inherited wealth through generations after generation of being landowners, and Corporate owners. Such as we find in the White house today, not a self-made Billionaire, but one who inherited that wealth and built it to greater wealth, with no political experience, or Judicial experience, except through a multitude of law suits and bankruptcies as a defendant, along with questionable business ethics. Not to mention, yet I will, a Narcissistic personality that would explain much of his first term problems in the White house.

So why was he elected by congress if he wasn’t the experienced proven politician we needed in the White House. Wealth would be the only answer I can think of. Also, as it was discovered and proven by evidence and facts, though denied by the ruling party and the President. That his election was influenced by an outside foreign government, traditionally a state enemy. A foreign government who influenced the election through interference in the campaign directly by their agents using social media to mislead and misinform the voters that the leading candidate. Who had a very solid political background of being a First Lady in the White House, a Senator and Secretary of the State that followed after leaving the White House. Yes, we all have bad days in office and peccadilloes. Goes with the job. However, this leading candidate had more political related job experience as a Governor’s wife, a First lady in the White House, as an elected or appointed official at the highest levels. Whereas, her rival won over her popular vote, with no such experience in government. Later it was discovered to be a campaign with foreign influence spreading misinformation and lies about her integrity. Despite the fact she won the popular vote. Foreign influence in our elections is and as always been against the law and an important part of the framework of our U.S. Constitution. This foreign influence lead to indictments, arrest, and successful prosecution of those foreign agents and those in the Presidents campaign found culpable for campaign violations. Though I reiterate that the ruling party, and the President deny any direct involvement of these constitutional crimes and disassociated themselves after the fact from those involved and prosecuted. Association with known enemies of the state, and foreign agents and the like has always been a damnable violation of political ethics if not treasonable. Yet, again the ruling party and the President manage to avoid that stick poking them in the backside. Despite the Mueller’s report, Government oversight agency, and FBI investigations and reports substantiating the facts that our President is and has abused his power of office. Knowingly or unintentionally makes no differences. The issue is having the Trust of the people in who sits in the Oval Office.

His acquittal of impeachment from the Senate has emboldened the President to take retaliation against those who gave witnesses to the allegations against him in the House impeachment proceedings. The ruling party also is taking intimidation and retaliation against the one lone party member who voted for impeachment. The President in a national televised speech from the White house after his acquittal. Literally stated that he was going to retaliate against those who gave witness to his impeachment hearings. That they should be charged with crimes and prosecuted. He then acted on these threats and demoted or fired those in the White House and other government positions. Stating that he had the power to do so. He has also interfered with judicial sentencing of a former associate in publicly claiming the sentence recommend was basically unfair that his Attorney General should reconsider. This Attorney General was an appointee of the president, and has already been in hot water for taking political sides in favor of the President, where his office is supposed to be un-influenced by political matters, otherwise neutral.

Now, the Attorney General is snapping back and saying butt out Sir, you are making my job difficult to do. Is this president continuing his abuse of power emboldened by his acquittal. Does he truly believe he is immune now because of his acquittal. Weeks following his acquittal, new facts, and more are coming out that keeps throwing more and more shadows on this President when even his own personal attorney and once respected politician and elected official, has been indicted in his involvement in the Ukraine issues that lead to the impeachment of the President. The president even now after his acquittal as reversed statements once claiming his personal attorney had nothing to do with the Ukraine business and that the president never asked his personal attorney to get involved. Now he states otherwise that he did ask his personal attorney to do so in finding dirt against his rival in the upcoming election where the president is up for re-election. This presidents usual flip-flop mentality. This President keeps reversing himself, retracting or making slips that contradict earlier statements regarding his legal issues while in Office. Which are ongoing in many local jurisdictions regarding lawsuits related to his business practices, Tax records, and at federal level where he finds his policies as President are challenged in court. His success record on these matters are not in his favor to date. He loses more then he wins, and his wins are challenged then which he loses some. Is this the President we want in the White House for another 4 years. Yes, there are some positives in his policies to his credit. But the sum of these do not much the sum of his other problems.

Just as many of his policies have been so wrong on a humanity scale when he imprisons illegal aliens crossing the Border. Where their children are separated from their parents and both put in containment conditions where they are treated as much or worse than our own criminal system does. His policy is to treat them as if they are the worse criminals around just by association to a much smaller number of illegals who cross the border and commit crimes, and murder. His views are supported by his party, that this country does not need these poor, and unproductive people, nor their criminal tendencies in this country. Other immigration polices have affected European, Asian, and other world nations, reversing centuries of policy that America has an open-door. That we don’t need the burden of immigrates who are not educated, must have wealth to prove they are and can be productive members of this society worthy of citizenship. Many of his immigration policies have been challenged and reversed by federal courts. Some remain in litigation.

His building a Border Wall policy at 8 to 10 billion dollars of the tax payers money has been his biggest policy controversy to date despite his impeachment proceedings. Which only raises questions of white supremacy and racism in the White House. When it is clear he desires a nation that is made of White citizenry over other races when he desires a wall to stop any further unproductive immigrates entering this country illegally or legally. It is unfortunate that this president can’t see or realize that this country was built on an open-door policy that allowed such immigrants, poor or otherwise, uneducated or otherwise, who came to this country with something more important then wealth or education. Hope and a dream that they can rise above their poverty, above political turmoil, and above persecution. To be allowed to share the dream and democracy our founding Fathers built this nation on. The very same founding Fathers who fled poverty, political turmoil, persecution, and had a dream of a land where they could be free of autocracy. A land of liberty for all.

Evolution or De-evolution of Democracy? Is the writing on the wall, reading that wealth and the power of wealth in Washington D.C. is devolving our Democracy our founding Father’s built. Do we find an administration based on power of wealth and control by a party-line manifesto devolving our Democracy. A flawed manifesto that clearly believes that wealth and power is the only solution in running this country. I am reminded of an earlier statement of what is said about the Magna Carta. It came about when King John was forced to negotiate with his barons, and their allies the French and Scots at Runnymede, Surrey. The monarchy and King John was forced to forego much of the power of the monarchy to put its tyranny to an end, or face complete abolishment of the monarchy in further civil war and conflict. That cornerstone of liberty has lasted through many challenges for 800 centuries. While our American democracy is relatively still an infant we are just as vulnerable to the kind of changes that could revert this country too the very kind of monarchy our founding Fathers wanted to avoid.

I speak of autocracy where wealth in the extreme rules the liberties of this nation. Where power of one political party self sustains itself long enough to make the kinds of changes that lead to autocracy, and dictatorship. Maybe at a pace that is un-noticed at first, then takes speed and before you know it. We no longer have an election process by the people but entirely by a congress led by a party lead majority. Where public elections do not exist. Wealth decides who is worthy to put in the White House. A puppet or a ruler, it matters not. We could face in time changes in the presidential terms, where we have our constitution changed to reflect such. President for life, as long as the ruling parties decides who sits in the White house. Current world history will testify to what such governments are like. Why we have an immigration problem over our southern border, one where we shouldn’t be treating them as illegals or building walls around. Where would we immigrate to, when we find our liberties and lives at threat of poverty and starvation if the Wealth of the land control our government and Democracy devolves into a third world nation.

Our current sitting president is a problem that we shouldn’t ignore when wealth leads to abuse of power, when inexperience in governing as an elected official is one core reason while the sitting president today is such a disappointment to many outside his ruling party the GOP. The GOP who put him in office despite the popular vote saying otherwise, an outmoded Electoral college, and despite foreign influence that didn’t change that popular vote. It was a ruling party in congress who elected the president as defined in our constitution. Which brings me to why democracy can devolve over time. Why the inability to update a constitution to meet the needs of an evolving democracy in current and future times can lead to devolution of democracy. I do not speak of changing the very foundation of democracy, but rather of strengthening that foundation to correct flaws that can weaken the foundation. Like any building of age, often you must repair and correct flaws so that the building remains usable, or your building collapses with neglect. Yes, you can destroy an obsolete building and start over with a new one. The new one will never be the same, and this analogy shouldn’t even apply to our Constitution.

We as the old saying states, “We should never throw the Baby out with the wash water”. Throw the dirty wash water out and keep the baby to nurture it, and guide it to maturity with love, compassion, education, teach it what’s wrong and what’s right. How to be a humanitarian and respect all races regardless of origin or economics. Admonish mistakes and bad behavior, yet with a firm hand and just as firm a love for the child. Show the young adult that there are principals, and ideals that are worthy to keep and others flawed and need revising. Progress in life isn’t steps backwards, but a journey forward with your head raised in dignity, honor, and respect of the laws of the land and for your government. Fail that respect for others, the land, your nation, and yourself, and you fail that which your ancestors so valiantly fought and died for in creating this democracy we call the United States of America.

Change isn’t supposed to be ugly and unattainable. It can be beauty, sustainability, charitable, viable, and welcomed. Change that does not occur is ignorance, apathy, blindness, and flawed political manifesto’s. Where wealth leads to abuse of power and abuse of our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights should never be allowed. Where wealth controls a congress that voted for reducing the taxes on Wealth and corporation, to a degree and percentage that Corporate wealth in many cases pay no taxes on Billions of profits. While barely reducing taxes on the common working class and poverty. Should we allow democracy to evolve with change, or devolve with lack of change. That is the decision we should be making in the upcoming national and local elections in November 2020.



Robert Vergeson

Hello, I’m 73 years of age and have 53 eBook's: Published at, under my penname Rowlen Delaware Vanderstone III.