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Hypocrisy in Democracy

Robert Vergeson
6 min readFeb 22, 2021


When you think of the word Hypocrisy, you think of Duplicity, Double Standards, Dishonesty, Disingenuousness, Deception, Mendacity, Insincerity and Inaccuracy. All these words are related to Hypocrisy in Democracy. When you think of Democracy you think of equality, fairness, a form of government that is free of Hypocrisy, Duplicity, Double standards, Dishonesty, Deception, Mendacity, Insincerity, and Inaccuracy. Instead, we have a government that has one political party that is Disingenuous, while another party is sincere, accurate, striving to be ingenuous, straightforward and free of double standards and duplicity. Neither of these two parties are perfect, nothing is perfect in a world of democracy, monarchy, or dictatorships. There will always be opposition, conflicts and disagreements between ideologies, views, and what one party feels is right for the people and what the opposition feels is right for the people. Monarchy being the oldest form of world government is where there is one ruling family controlling the masses with wealth, land ownership, and the number of soldiers they command since humanity saw the need to have chieftains lead the community. Chieftains became the power either through wisdom or force of might, or through having the most ownership of goats. Chieftains became lords and landlords, Mayors, and Governors, Kings, and Queens, eventually to lose power when the common people decided to rule themselves with fair representation through parliamentary councils with appointed leaders, equality in laws, ownership of land or businesses that put them on an equal footing to share in the wealth of the land and guidance of the peoples welfare, Democracy. In time dictatorships and despots took the place of monarchies and unseated fledgling Democracies, by duplicity, double standards, dishonesty, deception, mendacity, insincerity, inaccuracy, and disingenuousness. Hypocrisy at its worse.

It is said that the root of all evil is money. Monarchies were build on the power of money, landownership, feudalism, serfdom, and might in owning the army. Kings, and Queens made the laws, enforced the laws and ruled the people so could gained wealth on the labors of others. Despots and Dictators where no different, just changed their titles to something other than King or Queen like President, Caesar, Chancellor, or Premier. The names may have changed, but the root of all evil remained the same. Money. Money is a commodity that can purchase wealth, rule people and own the most land. Money can buy loyalty, police force, armies, and silence opposition. Without money, there would be no Hypocrisy in our Democracy. Without money there are no double standards, or disingenuousness in government and politics. Without money, one party can not be richer then the other party. Without money, just how many people would run for an elected office that gives them power over others. Without out money, a politicians ideology or his parties support of their Ideologies are worthless gibberish of a poor man or women. Money is related to prestige and wisdom. Money is a benchmark on the success of a person’s rise in society, and politics. Money is like blinders on a race horse, keeps the politician blind to what is around them. They have only one course to travel a straight line ahead. They are blind to duplicity of others who give them the most money to their campaign. They lose their own conscious awareness of what is right or wrong. For a million dollars in campaign funds and a seat in congress and all the prestige that gives a person, counting the salary of an elected office. They follow a parties ideology like a faithful cur knowing who its master and where they get there treats from. Naivety much like the blinders on the race horse, is a desired trait for those who want to purchase the loyalty of a faithful servant. One who can take orders, without questions asked. One who can follow blindly any dogma, or political ideology, even if that ideology is outdated, full of worms, and meant to gain the leaders of that political ideology more wealth then what they are paying you.

Duplicity, Double Standards, Dishonesty, Disingenuousness, Deception, Mendacity, Insincerity and Inaccuracy in ones Political agenda is hypocrisy in today‘s’ democracy, when it weakens the equality of power in that democracy. When it leads to one party having more power over another in congress. When though the Mendacity, Insincerity and Inaccuracy of one party give them control over another party. It is Duplicity that becomes so visible that even the parties long history of fairness and purpose is tarnished and becomes associated to conspiracy theories so far out of left field that a child can separate the lies from the truths. When, the political party as become so powerful, its members believe they are immune to Kryptonite and can do anything they please, even take a vacation when their home state is facing a natural disaster of the century. A member of congress who took an oath to serve his state even in time of disaster, abandons that state for frivolous reasons.. One is reminded of a Roman Emperor who was reported partying and playing his fiddle while the city burned around him. This is the Disingenuousness, the Insincerity, and Hypocrisy we have in our Republican party, who like that race horse wears blinders and can’t see the reality of what their Party has become, and who they elected to be President of this United States, equally blinded by the root of all evil, Money. Who served his first and only term in office impeached not once, but twice, who incited his supporters to riot on the U.S. Capital, and refused to acknowledge a fair and honest Election he lost and even after he left office still does not except he lost.

We have a Republican party that refused to find this President guilty of his duplicity, his disingenuousness, his hypocrisy, his insincerity, inaccuracy, and failure to serve the best interest of the people and failed his oath of office by believing that Covid 19 wasn’t anything he needed to worry about as President of the United States as long as he had a party behind him to protect him from any prosecution. Donald Trump feared nothing for in his mind he was King, and like King George of England, he believed he was Lord and master of the American Colonies and could do anything he wanted with his colonies. He could not except the fact he was a mad king. Democracy was born because of a mad king, and Democracy now must heal itself because of another man who believes he is king and by his words alone he can erase elections results and still be king. As long as there are those in the Republican party who believe this also, our newly Democratic President and congress will have a long battle ahead of them to remove those blinders off the eyes of the Republican party and reveal to them the lies they have been living. Money isn’t truly the root of all evil. In the right hands it can be a blessing, but as long as there are those who use it to create Hypocrisy in Democracy, it is a deceitful commodity that will destroy our democracy, and open doors to our enemies to who will sneak in the dark of night and take that democracy from us once and for all. It is time we stop infighting between parties and blaming each other for our troubles. For I fear the real trouble makers are not home bread Americans. But those who know the value of money and are willing to go broke spending it on our ruin as long as they can buy our politics and those who believe in Hypocrisy in Democracy is power and might and the only way to be wealthy in this country. Five Hundred Thousand Americans have lost their lives in the last 12 months, because of one mad King elected to the White House and a Republican party who refused to acknowledge there part in this King’s madness.

Robert D. Vergeson



Robert Vergeson

Hello, I’m 73 years of age and have 53 eBook's: Published at, under my penname Rowlen Delaware Vanderstone III.