Robert Vergeson
7 min readAug 1, 2023

Photo by Elliott Stallion on Unsplash

The Polls Say What?

There is 16 months until November 2024. That is 515+ days until the next Presidential election. Many things could happen in 16 months. Old revelations proven true or false, new revelations proven true or false. Candidates drop out voluntarily, or candidates forced to drop out. The leader today could be the man or women on the bottom of the polls by then, the man or women on the bottom of the polls today on the top by November 2024. Earth could be invaded by aliens from another planet. Climate change could devastate the planet. Another world pandemic could strike by then. Today’s poll leader could be wearing strips and breaking rocks by November 2024. So far, the only sure thing is the Sun and the Moon, and 9 planets as our neighbors. Even that isn’t a sure thing until it becomes a sure thing 515+ days from now. We must remember the last election was supposed to be a sure thing for the current sitting President Donald Trump, even to the point he was so sure he would win, he hedged his bets he would win with false election fraud claims before and after he lost and that his VP would make that win a reality for him by going against constitutional law and the electoral college rules. Donald Trump was wrong then and could be wrong now.

Is Biden’s age against him. Is his family problems against him winning re-election. Does Biden’s political career as a Senator, a Vice President under Obama, and now President, is it in his favor, yes to some extend and it should be. Did Trump have those same advantages, nope. Did his wealth, business ethics, past legal issues, business bankruptcy go against him as a first-time political candidate. Apparently not the first time around. Did his nepotism by putting family members in the White House administration work for him, questionable. Did Biden do the same. No, he did not. Did Biden nominate cabinet members who had no experiences in those cabinet position, no related skills and experiences in the position or in government? Did Trump fill his cabinet with individuals who had no experience in government nor in the cabinet department they were appointed too. Did Trump fill his cabinet with his cronies, those who got him elected, old friends, new friends, with money? How, did that work out. Biden placed those in his cabinet with government experience, education and work history, to back the position they were appointed to. Did Trumps cabinet serve the best interest of the people, questionable. Has Biden cabinet made a favorable difference in how they serve the interest of the people through experience and skills, yes, despite the opposition saying otherwise.

Did President Trump prove to be a laughingstock before other nations with his failure to fact check his facts, all to often to this nations regret and the Oval Office reputation. Did Trump ever falter in his steps, trip, and stumble, yes. Has Biden faltered in his steps, trip and stumble, yes. Both men are elderly by today’s standards and by that standard most men or women their age are retired and private citizens. Give both, a break on that count. With Biden’s long political career, has he ever shown to be a power-hungry politician whose only goal is to re-invent government, abolish constitutional checks and balance, to rewrite the constitution in his own image, and have his own interpretation of constitutional law to allow him impunity from constitutional law to do as he pleases? Has Trump crossed that line? Does two House impeachments disqualify a president from being morally fit to serve this nation in its highest office, 50/50 (GOP Senate) on that answer. Does, federal indictments and possible federal convictions related to election fraud, Jan 6th, and withholding classified information by removal of those documents when the Federal Records Act make it a crime for anyone including an outgoing president or sitting president removing such documents from secured locations for personal reason. Does it give a president immunity from punishment after they left office. No, it shouldn’t. Do hundreds of such documents make it a lessor crime, and 30 such documents a greater crime? Does obstructing an FBI investigation make such documents non-existent unclassified? Each situation must bear an outcome depending on intentions in having such documents, refusal to comply to a warrant, and any intentional obstruction of justice. Does allegedly selling presidential pardons make it morally and legally right. If Biden and Trump were to put all their legal issues, past and present, personal peccadilloes, family issues, Mental issues and quirks on a scale, who would tip the scales downward, the farthest, Biden or Trump? For that matter how many Senates, House, gubernatorial, political candidates today would pass such a scale test. The opposite could be said about the seasoned office holder if all of his or her accomplishments aided in tipping that scale upward not downward.

I am remined of a Biblical event from Sunday School. where Mary a local prostitute was going to be stoned for her sins. Jesus of Nazareth reminded the elders if any were without sin let them cast the first stone. As much as it would be ideal that our politicians could pass the scale test 100 percent. I would be shocked to find one politician without sin in this nation or in the world. Why is that so. Of late we have set the bar so high that even the devil can get into the Oval Office. We turn around and then set the bar so low St. Peter couldn’t get into the Oval Office. Politics and hypocrisy is synonymous at the best of times and at the worst of times we forget we elected the devil and locked up St. Peter. Is the sins of a politician a badge of honor worthy of election or re-election. What is those sins? Are they ethical sins, defiance of moral behavior. Defiance of congressional ethical conduct of appropriate behavior. Insider stock trading. Resume lying and fabrication of facts to get elected.

Do those sins involve the ten commandments? Are they the sins of breaking statutory criminal codes. Are they white lies vs black lies. Are they the sins of seditious behavior or treason. Are they the sins of breaking civil law or federal law. Do they cross the line into violence and murder, bribery, forgery, fraud, moral depravity, racism, the taking away of our rights and personal liberties. Are they the sins of robbing the poor to enrich oneself. Are they the sins of power of megalomania despots and dictators, authoritarians with mental health issues. Do these sins affect all politicians or just a few. Do the sins of one excuse the sins of many or the sins of many excuse the sins of one. Do we condemn all or none. Who is the real victim here, the sinner or Democracy. Do we turn a blind eye, a deaf ear, and a mute mind to the state of affairs among those in politics whose only purpose is to convince us they are sheep, when in reality they are wolves among us in sheep’s clothing. When is enough, enough, when history repeats itself and the infamous of history those dictators and butchers of millions of innocent people, return as familiar faces among us. They once said that Hitler was a strong charismatic leader rising up among Germany’s ranks to lead Germany to its future as a country to be reckon on as a powerful industrial nation. Like children blinded by the sweets of a bakery free offering, where they were led astray to their doom in a world war to end all wars, sadly it didn’t.

Maybe not today, or tomorrow, but the writing is on the wall, you only need read the words and weep in fear or ignore the writing and let our democracy die in ignorance of those among us who have a different ideal of what democracy is. Our forefathers, those who drafted our constitution set this nation on a path not to be dictators, or kings or Queens, but innovators of peace, civil rights, and personal liberties that all men, women and children are created equals among all. It went through birthing pains to achieve that goal. This nation grew to be a power to be reckon with economically, and the hope for many throughout the world. We didn’t have to do it by might alone, but by example that democracy can work if you work hard enough for it, not by war and conquest, not by cheating your way to the top. But by honest hard work on the principals set by our Constitution and Bill of Rights and laws that have govern this nation during good times and bad times based in the trust of our elected official. A trust built on the framework of honesty, loyalty, moral ethics, that no man is above the law or immune to the penalties of breaking the law when convicted by a court of his or her peers regardless of his rank, wealth, race, poverty, religion, education, sex, health, or ideology, as long as that ideology isn’t seditious or treasonable, terrorism, or invoking riotous behavior in people, against our laws, and against the established government of Democracy of the United States of America. United we stand, divided we fall.

I am Robert D. Vergeson, and I have been writing for since 2019. This is my 77th. posting on I also write and publish eBook’s under my penname Rowlen Delaware Vanderstone III available at, some 47 eBooks to date in the genre of Non-fiction, Fiction, Mysteries, Sci-Fi Fantasy, Teen adventures, Essays, Plays and Poetry.

Robert Vergeson
Robert Vergeson

Written by Robert Vergeson

Hello, I’m 73 years of age and have 53 eBook's: Published at, under my penname Rowlen Delaware Vanderstone III.

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