Robert Vergeson
5 min readJul 28, 2023


Photo by K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash

Which Witch Was it.

We are in a remarkable age where misdirection, an attempt to deflect your own wrongdoing by pointing fingers at another’s wrongdoing to make yours look Lily White. Is becoming a standard practice in Politics. The term coined now is a Witch Hunt. Back in 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts, more then 200 people were accused of being witches on the testimony in part by the hysterics of children who believed certain women and men where witches. Those hysterics in part based on prejudice, fear and retribution against those who wrong them or perceived to have wrong them with witchcraft. The hysterics spread until hearings and prosecutions resulted in 14 women and 5 men were executed by hangings. History shows that much of the testimony of the children were based on childish revenge for being punished for misbehaving, jealousy, and downright brattish behavior. Which today would never happen in a court of law against an adult accused of witchcraft. Once these proceedings in 1692–1693 had started it got out of hand when the accusers where afraid to admit they didn’t believe in witchcraft, or their claims were based on falsehoods. Hysteria of the times when it was easy to believe a person was a witch just because they were different. Today we have a new kind of Witch Hunt going on in our political arena’s. It is easy to accuse someone of a Witch Hunt then to admit or owe up to something you did wrong. When you are unable to admit your own wrong and owe up to it. To even accept and admit guilt when a court of law indicts you or convicts you of a crime based on overwhelming evidence against you. You call it a Witch Hunt to deflect focus on your own bad behavior turning the focus back on the accuser as if their claims are so outlandish if not libelous. Often it is an entitled person who believes you have no right to such inflammatory statements, because they are above the law.

You also point figures at another and ask them to admit wrongdoing and accept the responsibility of that wrongdoing. To deflect even from suspicion of your own wrongdoing by distracting focus on you by shifting that focus on another person suspicious of wrongdoing in an attempt to divert that focus on you. It matters not if the evidence is damning in the eyes of the public it is a Witch Hunt. In reality just saying it is a Witch Hunt is telling the majority of people that you are attempting to deflect that focus from your own failings and refusal to admit those failings. You might have well to take the Fifth and tell the people you do not want to incriminate yourself. Those who don’t want to incriminate themselves, in theory, have something to hide. To self-incriminate yourself is to say I am guilty of something, but rather not have to admit it in detail in court. When you admit guilt to a crime you incriminate yourself and except your punishment.

We are in an era where we have political parties and individuals in the political parties who find it easy to deflect focus from the suspicions by others of you doing wrong ethically or criminally. They point fingers at the opposition for doing wrong or suspect they are doing wrong. In the case of a prosecution and conviction all this deflection serves only to instill mistrust in the party and the individual who represents that party who eventually is convicted of a crime or censured of an ethics violation. It becomes another Witch Hunt. The real victims are those who were unable to break their ties with that individual in time to prevent the mistrust and bad reputation of that party. The second set of victims is the other party or individual when the other party or other individual tries to deflect their own wrongdoing pointing false fingers at others when all along the accusations where proven eventually that the second party or individual was right about their accusations. It boils down to a Witch Hunt by all parties and a free for all where the real victim is the voter for trusting in the wrong party or their representative. If both parties are proven wrong, then it is a calamity when you can’t trust anyone these days.

What is fair for one man isn’t fair for the other. What is fair for one political party isn’t fair for the opposition. One political party is above the other party, and we can’t do wrong. It is akin to I can sin, but you can’t. if I sin, I deserve forgiveness, if you sin, go to hell. I should get a lighter sentence; you deserve the stiffest sentence. Don’t you dare point fingers at me. Don’t you dare complain when I complain. This is what today's political arena is like today. Our political parties today are the embodiment of being entitled royalty to a different set of rules of behavior, a different set of accountabilities to the people and a different set of accountabilities to the laws of the land. Once in congress that individual entitlement makes them unapproachable by those accountabilities. They will even go to the extreme and change your right to vote so you cannot hold them accountable to their bad behavior, failure to follow the rules, and the laws. No one likes a Witch Hunt, more than a fable character witch, who eat children who eat their gingerbread house. That fable character witch will be the first to cry out the loudest it’s a Witch Hunt, I have done nothing wrong. It is the children who tried to eat me. How dare you accuse me, when you have a long nose with a wart on it, a humped back, and fly on a broomstick and wear a pointed hat like me. If I am a Witch, you are a Witch your honor. Opps, can I take the fifth your honor. Did I just say that live on national TV. Which Witch was it who just called the judge a Witch?

I am Robert D. Vergeson, and I have been writing for since 2019. This is my 76th. posting on I also write and publish eBooks under my penname Rowlen Delaware Vanderstone III available at, some 47 eBooks to date in the genre of Non-fiction, Fiction, Mysteries, Sci-Fi Fantasy, Teen adventures, Essays, Plays and Poetry.



Robert Vergeson

Hello, I’m 73 years of age and have 53 eBook's: Published at, under my penname Rowlen Delaware Vanderstone III.