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Who do we Blame?

Robert Vergeson
6 min readFeb 28, 2021


Who do we blame when our current culture in the last 30 years or so has instilled in the young generation then and now that there are two realities. One is the fantasy of movies and books that depict special interest groups, having an agenda of over throwing governments, such fantasy stories that have become a common culture full of Zombies, Vampires, Werewolves, secret high-tech villains, and conspiracy theories woven into fictional stories to thrill the masses. Of course, nearly all these stories have the good guys winning. But are the good guys winning today? Then we have todays reality of Isis, Taliban, QAnon, Neo Nazi’s, Proud boys, not to mention the many Anti-American groups in the past who have met violent ends for apposing law and order in the USA or similar groups abroad in their own countries. To many to name, whether they be religious cults, or Anti-democracy cults. Who are we to blame when our young generations of youth grow up to be adults who have been exposed to the fantasy world and the real world having failed to separate reality from fantasy ,and truth from lies. Who do we blame for those who are unable to cope with mental illness due to their inability to separate fantasy from reality, or become obsessed with conspiracy theories and faulty political ideology? Who do we blame when current political ideologies put traditional bipartisan parties at each other throats over a struggle to see one party rule over another party by partisan politics Who do we blame when we find American Democracy the subject of partisan bitterness, congress fighting over who cares more for the American people and Democracy. The Republicans, or the Democrats. Who do we blame for a recently defeated President who is unable to separate fantasy from reality, that every opposition is met with “It is a Witch Hunt”, all lies, fake news, and a Republican party who supported that President’s inability to separate fantasy from reality. Is it the Republican party who is unable to separate fantasy from reality or was it that President they elected who brain washed the Republican party to believe he was the right man for the job.

It is obvious that who ever is to blame, we have one group of people who continue to worship a defeated President by literally building a Golden Idle to which they are bowing down to in hopes that this President will once again raise in power. We have a Republican party who continues to believe that this defeated President did no wrong and was the total sum of Democracy savior. Did Democracy need saving, or did the Republican party become enthralled by conspiracy theories that it needed saving. Did power they held in congress create monsters that are unable to know the difference. Unwilling to admit they have been influenced a man who see’s himself as a demigod, who now has followers building golden idles to worship him by. The same followers who stormed the U.S. Capital to “stop the steal” by congress in certifying the legal vote of the people who elected another President to serve this nation. The loser the Demigod refusing to concede but influenced his followers to insurrection by storming the U.S. Capital to “Stop the Steal”. The loser having already lost dozens of legal law suits to “Stop the Steal” all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. Reality was ignored, while Fantasy was that the elections was a fraud and a witch hunt by the opposing party, the Democrats. The election results was a fraud, lies, fake news. That Republican followers and such groups like QAnon, Proud Boys , White Supremacist groups, and individuals actually killed capital police force members or were killed during the insurrection and storming of the U.S. Capital. Meanwhile, the leaders of the Republican party after the insurrection believe the insurrection was not real, but all a fantasy. Refused to condemn the man who stood that day on January 6, 2021 incited his followers to storm the capital and “Stop the Steal”.

The Republican party claims they are serving the best interest of the American People. Are they? Is there constant partisan battles in congress serving the best interest of the American people, or their best interest.” Is Republican states and governors serving the best interest of the American people by further efforts to restrict voting rights and those who can vote or how they vote in light of the failure of the Republican party retaining power in congress or having a Republican president in the White House. Certainly, a fact that if you restrict who can vote, how they can vote and when they can vote would benefit future Republican Candidates in upcoming elections, if they can control the vote in their favor. Is this what American Democracy is all about. Control when, where and how Americans vote, from election to election when a party does not like the results of the last election, even when the Supreme Court ruled the last presidential election was valid. I can understand a losing football team of 12- year old’s getting upset and wanting revenge, throwing tantrums, and breaking things or even the coach encouraging the team to do so. Our Democracy isn’t about spoiled children having a fit because they lost a game, a game played by the rules. Who is to blame if the losing team just didn’t have what it takes to win the game. You could certainly blame the coach, even for the bad sportsmanship, if that coach sportsmanship is questionable. But to worship the coach when you know the coach is a lousy coach and has no sportsmanship, or skills to teach 12-year-olds how to play the game right is lunacy. The kind of game that QAnon, Proud Boys, White Supremist play by their own rules, like to play and hate to lose.

Like the majority of our Republicans in congress. They want to play the game by their rules, not the rules of Democracy nor the rules of bipartisanship. When they strive to change the rules, the voting rules, they strife to silence the voices of Americans who voted against them or will vote against them. The team that won. There is no room in congress by anyone who can’t play by the rules, that have been around sense the founding Father create them, our United States Constitution. Making the rules fairer and equal is always progress in the right direction for the growth of democracy. Tipping that balance to allow “the one to rule over the many”. by depriving the many the protection of the constitutions so that they will not lose the next game is wrong on so many levels that it amounts to insurrection and treason. To silence the voice of the people by restricting voting rights is wrong. The Republicans claim that the Democrats do not have the best interest of the people, the many. Therefore, they reject everything the Democrats believe is for the peoples benefits. While the Republicans in congress strive to serve “the one over the many” themselves, over the welfare of the many the American people. Who are were to blame for this ideology in our political system that only “The One Rules over the Many”. Sorry, it is the many who refuse to use their voice the Vote to protect their constitutional rights. If the Republican party ideology is to prevail, the many will lose that voice all because a bunch of seemingly 12-year-olds and their coach are spoiled brats and hate to lose and will do anything at all cost to win. Is that insurrection, Treason, or silencing the voice of the people?

Robert Vergeson



Robert Vergeson

Hello, I’m 73 years of age and have 53 eBook's: Published at, under my penname Rowlen Delaware Vanderstone III.