Robert Vergeson
4 min readJul 16, 2023


Who Is Behind the “Karen Attitude of Entitlement.”

Where did it all begin? Recently, I had my first experience of dealing with the “Karen Attitude of Entitlement”, when I attempted to stop an alleged B&E by two people who claimed they had the right to climb through a window of the apartment next door to mine. At first when asked what they were doing, they claimed they were locked out, lost their key. When I told them they needed to go around the block to the landlords, office and get a key, rather than climb in through a window. I made it very clear to them we had the same landlord and when then pulled that “Karen Attitude of Entitlement” that they owned this property and had every right to trespass through my yard to get to that apartment. I told them I will be calling the police. There response was to tell me they are calling the police instead and got there phones out and were making a call each of them. I closed my door and emailed my landlord as I watched these two proceed to try and enter the window through my security camera system. Minutes later they closed the window and I saw them walk by my front porch camera as if nothing was wrong.

Three minutes later the police showed up in force 3 squad cars and 5 police officers. I was shocked they did call the police. I was equally shocked when I left the house to talk to them. The first thing they told me they got a call that I had a shot gun and that I had threaten these two. I was asked if I had a shot gun. I made it clear I did not own any guns at all. After I explained the situation to them, they backed off and lingered around talking to other tenants in my building and in the building next door where the two were trying to get in. During this confrontation my landlord and his wife showed up from around the corner to assure me that those two where not his tenant. The landlord was even asked if I had any guns. At no time did the police make any reference to me regarding the fact that I was backed up by my landlord that these two had no right to be climbing through that window into that apartment or trespassing through my yard attached to my unit I rent which included the private yard. There is no access to that yard from any apartment in that next door building by a back door onto that yard. The only access is a locked gate into my back yard which these two were seen (security camera) climbing over to get into the yard to that apartment window.

These two never stuck around to meet the police. They made a 911 call I assume to the police reporting a white man was threatening two black women with a shot gun. How else would the police arrive on the scene so fast in numbers and these two women didn’t stick around to give their side of the story. I was not only shocked at the fact they told the police I was armed with a shot gun. I was suddenly hit with the fact this could have been a very fatal incident with me being the victim by cop based on a false report by two women trying to elude the police for their very own wrongdoing. I am still in shock 6 days later. Since than I have communicated with the police department over my concerns of a false police report that could have led to that worse scenario. A police detective asked for my security footage which I provided. I have also contacted the City Hall city manager asking for an apology from these police officer in their failure to even address the fact it was a false police report and to assure me these two would be arrested. I am still waiting for feedback.

The real issue here not that my fright should be ignored or of lessor impact. The real issue is who is behind this “Karen Attitude of Entitlement”. It is obvious that there have been several national headlines making the news and social media reports of such “Karen Attitude of Entitlement.” As I look back to the last several years, I can only see one source where a national individual has set a standard for this attitude of entitlement base on that individual's own attitude of entitlement and narcissistic behavior in the highest public office in the United States. That person has set the standard for such entitlement attitude and their name wasn’t Karen, that individual named Karen has the distinct disgrace for giving the attitude of entitlement its name today. As for that public official now out of office they are still setting new levels of entitlement, continuing the trend to new heights. I never thought I would face a threat to my life because of this trend by two women who felt it was right of them to file a false police report that they were threaten by a man with a gun because they were doing something that they knew was wrong in climbing through windows into an apartment that didn’t belong to them. This “Karen Attitude of Entitlement” is getting out of hand when it not only threatens personal life, but it also threatens our Democracy when those who believe they are entitled to special treatment because one or more national individuals in political office are setting the standard for such behavior. Elected by people who literally worship them and can see them doing no wrong because it also entitles them to behave the same way.

(Note: in picture not seen is two other squad cars and two more policemen)



Robert Vergeson

Hello, I’m 73 years of age and have 53 eBook's: Published at, under my penname Rowlen Delaware Vanderstone III.